Covey Homes is a website designed for MORE Residential in order to allow potential residents to effectively search and lease homes for rent. As the sole designer on the project, I created a responsive design and series of microsite designs to showcase homes, attract new potential residents, and make renting an easy and efficient process.
ROLE: UX/UI Designer & Researcher DURATION: 6 months, August 2022 – January 2023 METHODOLOGIES: Competitive Analysis, Wireframing, Prototyping, User Testing TOOLS: Adobe XD & Illustrator, Figma, Google Drive & Meet
The Solution
To meet MORE Residential’s needs and efficiently direct users, Covey’s main site utilizes guided search through a card navigation, upfront information about neighborhoods and leases, and highlighted benefits in optimized formatting to attract new residents. A series of microsites for each neighborhood were also designed to prioritize users selecting and leasing a house.
1. Research
Competitive Analysis
I analyzed five websites also offering planned neighborhoods for rent. In the analysis, I looked specifically at the way the sites flowed through their search or browsing functions.
Client interview
Prior to the interview, the client conducted independent research into their target market and isolated key customer desires. Therefore, the client’s goal was to focus on a message of community, home life with technical and financial perks, and high-end service.
Visual Search
A visual card search should be utilized on the home page to show options up front and guide the user to a dedicated search page.
Highlighted Benefits
The benefits of smart homes and a planned community should be highlighted with icons and bullets to show Covey meets user values.
Qualifications Page
Information regarding ease of rent should be included through a dedicated and easy-to-locate qualifications page.
Clear Structure
For easy site navigation, the pages should be sectioned into community benefits, financial benefits, and practical information about property.
2. Define
3. Ideate
Low-Fi Wireframes
Style Tiles
I took an approach to the tiles meant to help the client visualize the styling on a real site and speed up the application of tiles to the prototype. This was done through a series of sections that could be directly applied to the website and simulated a real page, but held no real content.
Mid-Fi Wireframes
4. Testing
Six users were asked to complete several scenario based tasks to target the main features of the site.
Confusing Menu
The hamburger menu requested by the client hid the site navigation and made it hard for users to find the right pages.
Delayed Flow
Some information about properties (such as fees) should be presented earlier on in the flow if it is applicable to all results.
Buried Qualifications
Qualification and application information felt buried and hard to locate.
Vague Search Results
More information (such as floor plan availability) should be presented about each result earlier on in the search process.
5. Design
After testing, I made several small iterations to the mid-fi wireframes to improve the flow and functionality of the site.
Pulling information such as the fees off of individual floor plan pages and putting it on community pages instead.
Pulling out more tabs from the hamburger menu to increase visibility and thus ease of navigation and only keeping less important pages within it.
Adding a page for qualification and application information.
Easy search through a series of cards for guided browsing. Each community presents a gallery of floor plans and a list of available options with clear CTAs.
Upfront Information
Easy-to-navigate information about neighborhoods and leases. Primary navigation options are outside of the hamburger menu and there is a dedicated qualifications page.
Highlighted Benefits
Ensuring potential residents know why Covey is ideal. The pages are structured to present lifestyle, social, and financial benefits. Key points are broken out as icons for easy scanning.
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